<<In 2017,offline box office reached 55.91 billion RMB in China,which ranked second in the world and become the main force for growth in the global film market. Both the investment amount and the investment amount of the film industry declined sharply in China in 2017. With the transformation and upgrading of the film industry,its venture capital investment tended to be rational in China. In 2018,film industry in China has a broad development prospect,which presents four major development trends:the reconstruction of the film business system; the intensification of industrial ecological integration; the systematic operation of high-quality IP; the in-depth integration of finance,science and technology. In short,the prosperity and development of the film industry in China is closely related with capital support. Since the innovation and development of the film finance in China is still in its infancy,financial products,commercial credits,film guarantees which are related with the film industry in the future will emerge accompanied by the improvement of the film industry's business system.
<<Keywords: | Film IndustryFilm MarketFilm Investment |