<<关键词: | 评价综合竞争力省会市属/计划单列市医院 |
The passage evaluates the comprehensive competitiveness of Chinese municipal hospitals in capital cities and separately listed cities. The regional distribution of the top 100 showed big regional differences,among the east,the middle part and the west. The east is the strongest and the west is the weakest. Inside the seven major areas,the East China is the strongest and the North China is the weakest. Guangzhou,Shenzhen and Xian get relatively stronger competitiveness,and no hospitals in Lasa are selected as the top 100 of municipal hospitals in capital cities and separately listed cities. The unbalanced development problems of Chinese municipal hospitals in capital cities and separately listed cities remain unsolved.
<<Keywords: | EvaluationComprehensivenessMunicipal Hospitals in Capital Cities and Separately Listed Cities |