<<From the analysis of labor cost growth in some areas in 2014,it can be found that the new normal characteristics of labor cost changes in various industries and regions are obviously enhanced. First,the overall growth rate of labor costs in most areas is lower than that in the previous period,and the overall increase trend is basically the same as national wages trend;The second is the same industry in different industries or different regions of the labor costs growth rate is very different,especially the higher wage levels of monopoly industries labor costs faster than other industries,but in low wage level and high degree of competition industry,labor costs growth rate is relatively slow,the industry wage income gap still exists to continue to expand the trend;Third,the national construction industry,the main types of labor costs as an example,we can see the general staff,especially skilled workers’ rising rate of labor costs continues to maintain a rapid growth trend;Fourth,the growth rate of labor costs of different enterprises began to show a more obvious gradient distribution,that islabor costs in relatively large scale of enterprises have fast growth rate,labor costs growth rate in relatively small scale of the enterprise is relatively slow;Fifth,the rise in labor costs generally exist,the negative impact on the level of efficiency can not be ignored,it needs toease and digest this problem by improving labor productivity in changing the economic way and adjusting the structure.