The formulation and implementation of Macau's“Five-Year Development Plan”is a complex dynamic systematic process.As a special administrative region of China and a mini-economy facing structural challenges such as limited resources,single industrial structure and the fluctuation of the international economic environment,in order to keep long-term stable socio-economic development,it is necessary for Macau to keep development plans on certain major issues.During the consultation process,the SAR Government obtained suggestions on all kinds of aspects from the academia,the relevant departments of the central government,the Macau residents and various associations,and has made relevant positive responses.In order to implement the “Five-Year Development Plan”,the SAR needs to clarify the plan's legal status,its relationship with the government's annual and departmental plans,to consider the possible challenge from cross-tenure implementation,to adjust the implementation time span,and to develop the implementation scheme for the plan,and to develop the inspection,accountability,adjustment mechanisms.