<<关键词: | 江苏省城乡居民基本养老保险均等化水平 |
The unbalanced development of cities economic is showing in the Basic Endowment Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents policy in Jiangsu Province,such as in the basic pension,personal payment grades,the government subsidy grades,more awards for long pay. The openness of this policy is an effective to solve the unbalancing in different districts and urban and rural in China,but also leads to the problem of non-equalization of the level of inter-regional pension. This paper constructs a comparative model to estimate equalization level based on Esping-Andesen’s de-commodification index of pension that contains four indicators:basic pension substitution rate,standard pension substitution rate,individual contribution rate in different grades and government subsidy vs individual contribution ratio. Proposed to increase financial transfer payments and set the payment grades,basic pension and government subsidies Scientifically to promote the equalization of the Basic Endowment Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents.