<<The 2016 United States presidential primaries and general election are in essence a battle between the establishment and the anti-establishment forces. Sanders and Trump both attack the establishment in U.S. federal politics in name of the working Americans. They both won substantial supports from anti-establishment voters with their left-wing and right-wing policy proposals respectively. Trump’s win further attacks the malady of political correctness and topples the dominance in presidential elections of the establishment since the end of the Second Word World. This rise of anti-establishment forces is a product of both long term political,economic,social and international changes since mid 1970s,and a powerful response from massive electorate against the establishment who failed to face or mitigate several severe social problems. Domestically,political participation,party politics and relations of three big powers would be reshuffled,exerting long-ranging influence on economic growth,industrial structure and income distribution,ethnic relations and social expenditure on health care,etc. Internationally,it would make a shift to the orientation of U.S. as a hegemon,affecting the international environment in various aspects,and naturally introducing new opportunities and challenges for China-U.S. relations.