<<In 2016,the network public opinion has the distinct characteristic:the public opinion has tended to be calm,the intensity and the continuity of the outbreak has been weakened,the phenomenon of “public opinion forced” has been reduced,and the expression of discontent has turned to the private circle. At the same time,the public turned to be indifferent to opinions,the strength of opinions has been weakened and the public opinion related to official has increased in cyberspace. The governance of the network public opinion is a part of the social governance,its essence is not the government’s control over the people,but the joint governance of government and the people. To return to rational public opinion requires public community’s joint efforts,to believe the conscience and the concept of equality between the government and the people,and to stimulate the vitality of network. The key of public opinion governance is the interactive supervision and communication,to distinguish right from wrong,and to prevent the image of the government and the public opinion represented by a few people.