<<Community workers are often viewed stereotypically by others,which exhibits negative impact on the qualities of both their work and life,as well as their work efficiency. The current study mainly focus on describing the stereotype of undergraduates towards community workers in the social status and social cognition content(competence & warmth). Based on the hypothesis that the competence and warmth can be predictor for the social status,the models connecting the social cognition content and social status were established to explore how the social status of community workers were perceived. In present study,20 terms describing competence or warmth and 8 items representing social status need to be rated. The undergraduates were asked to complete the 20 terms’ ratings of two targets who represent typical community workers(i.e. competent and incompetent workers)and accomplish the 8 items’ ratings of community workers. The results showed that:(1)the ratings of social status were in the middle and lower level;(2)the undergraduates hold relatively higher rating of competence than the warmth for the competent community workers,however,the ratings are deemed to be ambiguous according to the results of factor analysis. (3)The result of the regression analysis on the models were all statistically insignificant,indicating the perception of social status is unrelated to recognizing the competent and the incompetent community workers.