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    中国社会科学院学部委员,学部主席团主席,研究员,博士生导师。历任中国社会科学院院长、党组书记,国务院发展中心副主... 详情>>
蔡 昉
    中国社会科学院国家高端智库首席专家,学部委员,学部主席团秘书长,研究员,博士生导师。先后毕业于中国人民大学、中国... 详情>>
    男,汉族,出生于1955年5月,山东济南人,博士,研究员,全国人民代表大会社会建设委员会副主任委员,中国社会科学... 详情>>



    2011年中国城市被调查女性生活质量总体评价较好,综合得分65。9分。被调查女性2012年9月平均收入为5717。8元,占家庭总收入的35。9%。39。3%的人收入有所增长,19。2%的人对收入满意。44。8%的人对工作表示满意,工作满意度为67。4分。96。4%的人感受到了工作压力,首要压力源于“工资低于期望值”。59。6%的人自认为身体健康,51。4%的人自我评价日常心态是“平和的”。45。7%的人家中房产证上有自己的名字。77。9%的人对家庭和谐状况满意,84。6%的人表示与丈夫感情好,婚姻关系稳定。对居住环境的感知评价为59。8分,对市政管理的评价为62。8分。41。2%的女性参与了志愿者或公益活动,对红十字会等慈善机构的公信力下降。74。9%的人感到生活幸福。“物价上涨、食品安全、买不起房”是女性最忧虑的事。“提高工资,增加收入”是城市女性对政府的最大期望,其次是“抑制房价,让百姓买得起房”和“增加社会福利”。 <<


    Chinese city women life quality in 2011 was on the whole quite good, achieving a comprehensive mark of 65.9. Women interviewed reported their income in September 2012 averaged 5717.8 yuan, making up 35.9 percent of their household income. 39.3 percent women said their income had increased, and 19.2 percent women expressed satisfaction about their income. 44.8 percent women were satisfied with their job, and job satisfaction rate is 67.4. 96.4 percent women had some pressure at work, and the first pressure came from lower-than-expected payment. 59.6 percent women consider themselves to be in good health. 51.4 percent women claim they have a mild disposition. 45.7 percent women have their names listed in their house property certificates. 77.9 percent women are happy with their family harmony. 84.6 percent women say they are in love with their husbands, and their marriage remains stable. They graded 59.8 for their living environment and 62.8 for city management. 41.2 percent women have taken part in voluntary or social work. They agree that the credibility of the Red Cross and other charitable organizations is down now. 74.9 percent women express happiness in life. Women worry mostly about price rise, food safety and unaffordable house. They expect city governments will help raise their salary and increase their income. They hope house prices will be controlled so that they can afford to buy, and social benefits will also be improved. <<
    华坤女性生活调查中心:执笔: 杨绚, 学士, 原华坤女性生活调查中心项目主管。 张祺, 社科院新闻研究所在读博士, 原华坤女性生活调查中心主任。 数据处理: 华坤女性生活调查中心。