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    中国社会科学院学部委员,学部主席团主席,研究员,博士生导师。历任中国社会科学院院长、党组书记,国务院发展中心副主... 详情>>
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    男,汉族,出生于1955年5月,山东济南人,博士,研究员,全国人民代表大会社会建设委员会副主任委员,中国社会科学... 详情>>

    ⅩⅢ 欧盟与拉美国家关系及“欧洲方式”

    • 作者:张凡出版日期:2008年07月
    • 报告大小:1.11MB
    • 报告字数:26365 字所属丛书:欧洲模式研究丛书
    • 所属图书:欧盟治理模式


    本章探讨的欧盟与拉美国家的关系。作者首先回溯了欧拉关系的历史,20世纪50~60年代,欧共体的拉美政策仅局限于与拉美主要国家的贸易交往,70~80年代,欧洲开始进一步介入拉美事务,开始确立区域性国家集团之间的正式对话制度。1990年代,欧拉对话已经形成了欧洲联盟和拉丁美洲地区、次区域集团以及特定国家之间发展关系的一系列固定机制。在这一过程中,欧洲在拉丁美洲的政策实践体现了欧洲建设中处理政治和国际关系的、有别于其他国际行为体特别是美国的行为方式和特色,被称为解决拉丁美洲问题的“欧洲方式”。为了探讨这一时期的欧拉关系与“欧洲方式”,本章依次阐明欧拉对话的含义、欧拉关系的分析层次和“欧洲方式”的内容,并通过欧拉对话的建立和发展进程说明欧拉关系及其“欧洲方式”的意义。 <<


    >Between 1999 and 2006 there have been four Summits held among the heads of state and government of the countries of the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean,and a “strategic partnership” has been established and developed,which is only a reflection of the unique form of a far more complicated network of relationships between the two large regions. Europe-Latin America relations,which are duly dubbed “dialogues”,constitute first of all one alternative for the emergence of a new international order,based on international law and institutions,as well as part of the game of geopolitics and geo-economics,based on the balance of power and the strategic competition. The dialogues between Europe and Latin America thus have served to illustrate resistance to the dangers of U.S. unilateral exercise of power,while remaining one side of the triangular transatlantic relationship,in which the U.S. is the most important partner for both of them. The main basis of the European-Latin American partnership is political dialogue and cooperation. Similar political traditions and practice as well as close historical links,cultural affinities and common values have been cited as the basic underpinning for the commitment to their inter-regional relations,and both regions share a vision of integration as an answer to global change based on interests as well as values. A procedural component of a highly institutionalized process has been exercised in the political dialogue on which EU’s projection of power relies and by which adjustments of common positions in Latin America are conditioned. The dialogue between Europe and Latin America is thus a tool to spread enduring procedures to build up a multilateral order with functioning international institutions. In the past years economic factors have become increasingly significant since for most of Latin American countries the single most important policy determinant has been the pursuit of reinsertion into the global economy after their “lost decade” during the 1980s. The partnership sticks to a very general principle in the sense of promoting a multilateral rule-based economic and financial international order. Nevertheless,when it comes down to concrete matters,because of its agricultural interests the EU has faced the most severe obstacles in its relations with Latin America. The restrictions on Latin American exports,both to the EU and worldwide,by the EU’s Common Agricultural policy are well known and have thus far limited its capacity to develop a truly inter-regional association. It is to a great extent that the building-up and strengthening of the relationship have not depended upon the application of policy between the two regions but upon the internal developments within each region which have had little direct connection to the other. This has been revealed by the history of Europe-Latin America dialogues,as in the case of EU’s involvement in Central America Peace Process in the 1980s as a consequence of the stalled and then reactivated integration in Europe,or in the formation of an identifiable form of inter-regionalism during the 1990s following the creation of the single market in Europe and the massive structural adjustments in Latin America,or even in the stagnation of the Europe-Latin America relations since the start of the new century due to the lack of an internal foreign policy consensus in both regions.
