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    中国社会科学院学部委员,学部主席团主席,研究员,博士生导师。历任中国社会科学院院长、党组书记,国务院发展中心副主... 详情>>
蔡 昉
    中国社会科学院国家高端智库首席专家,学部委员,学部主席团秘书长,研究员,博士生导师。先后毕业于中国人民大学、中国... 详情>>
    男,汉族,出生于1955年5月,山东济南人,博士,研究员,全国人民代表大会社会建设委员会副主任委员,中国社会科学... 详情>>

    2015~2016年度澳大利亚发展形势综述:总理更迭 政策稳定





    Australia witnessed once again in 2015 an intra-party political “coup” in which Prime Minister Tony Abbot was ousted by his own party. Obviously,the “couple” is the aftermath of a combination of factors,among which Abbot’s reforms of Australian welfare system,including medicare and education,which had generated nationwide dissatisfaction,were on the top list. Much worse,this situation had been markedly exacerbated by such unpleasant data as the rapid decline of Australian economy,the rise of unemployment rate and the widening gap between the rich and the poor,which might be attributable to global economic downturn in general and Australian imbalanced economic structure in particular. As a result,the National Party lost confidence in Abbot and wished to save the forthcoming general election by replacing him with a more popular politician. The motivations behind this “couple” mainly arising from domestic politics mean significant impacts on Australian internal affairs and its general election,rather than its foreign policy. As its largest trading partner and the most energetic economy in the world,China is enjoying increasing influence on Australia and their economic interdependence is ever-growing,which constitute the groundwork for their strategic partnership and ensure a stable Sino-Australian relationship void of radical changes resulting from the replacement of governments in Australia.
