<<The project “Science popularization explores the way”,bringing science popularization industry platform construction into an important component of grassroots science popularization informationization,is a new exploratory way for grassroots science popularization informationization practice. Concerning the “Science popularization explores the way”,a networked and distributed science popularization management mechanism is established in accordance with organizational structure of associations for science and technology. Within the system,a big science popularization screen is built and connected to the internet,through which we can use big data technology analysis to provide support and customized cloud service for every big science popularization screen working station. The platform is a multi-layered management system for informationization where a whole set of online resource sharing and access right classification is established,it does not only serve the separate grassroots organization or unit,but also serve the associations for science and technology as a whole. Being excellent in high efficient and flexible resources management and content service providing,and mainly centered around the grassroots science popularization and the needs of the public,the platform provides a whole package of solutions for the building of service system for science popularization informationization.
<<Keywords: | Grassroots Science PopularizationBig Screen Working StationMulti-layered Management SystemInformationization Service |