<<Outside the fifth ring live half of the population of Beijing. Between the fifth ring and the sixth ring live half of the population of migrants,who areusually called “Beijing floaters.” Urban-rural fringe of Beijing is the habitat for a few local rural peasants and a large number of migrants. It is the spiritualhome for “Beijing floater” artists as well. Poor resident environment at the edges of the city,and thecollective living and working style in artists’ colony has greatly influenced the artists. This article studies a particular artists’ project “the sixth ring is farther than the fifth ring” and the works by “East Village Artists”. It reveals that these artists like to focus on some slum-like darkside of the city,such as public toilet. By this way,they criticize the social reality as well as explore and pursue their marginalized and banished selves.
<<Keywords: | SlumsUrban Fringe SpaceLandmarks of Wealth and PovertyBeipiao ArtistsArtistic Representations |