<<We study on the driving force of the input in the development of science popularization,according to the research of the popular science funds,personnel and facilities. Relying on the Canonical Correlation Analysis,we choose 18 indicators of the popular science investments and 10 indicators of achievements,in line with the statistical data of 31 provinces(regions and municipalities)in 2014,to do the Cross-section Analysis. Regarding to the popular science development,we come to the conclusion that investment is the fundamental guarantee;personnel is the core and crux while facility is the basic. Last but not least,we come up with some suggestions for the popular science development. Firstly,we should gradually increase the popular science input;secondly,we have to pay more focus on the construction of the professional popular science personnel,while allowing the part-timer to play a more essential role. Thirdly,we’d better to enrich and expand the construction of professional and characteristic science resources and the grass-root science facilities,meanwhile refining the infrastructure systems of the national popularization of science.
<<Keywords: | Driving ForceCanonical Correlation AnalysisCross-section AnalysisInput of Science Popularization |