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    中国社会科学院学部委员,学部主席团主席,研究员,博士生导师。历任中国社会科学院院长、党组书记,国务院发展中心副主... 详情>>
蔡 昉
    中国社会科学院国家高端智库首席专家,学部委员,学部主席团秘书长,研究员,博士生导师。先后毕业于中国人民大学、中国... 详情>>
    男,汉族,出生于1955年5月,山东济南人,博士,研究员,全国人民代表大会社会建设委员会副主任委员,中国社会科学... 详情>>


    • 作者:安春英出版日期:2016年06月
    • 报告大小:974.76KB
    • 报告字数:15022 字所属丛书:
    • 所属图书:西亚非洲经济问题研究文选


    援助非洲在中国对非洲外交全局中占有重要地位。60多年的中非关系发展史表明,对非洲提供援助是推动中非关系不断发展的助力,维系中非友谊的重要纽带。中国对非援助模式是中非友好关系持久发展中的一大特色,也是西方国家议论比较多的话题之一。中国对非洲国家的援助始于1956年,大致经历了3个时期,每个时期都与非洲国家面临的历史任务与时代主题相应合。中国与非洲国家的援助合作是南南框架下的合作,也是国际发展合作的一部分。50多年来,中国对向非洲国家提供的援助虽然数量有限,但成效显著。此外,中国为非洲国家提供的雪中送炭的人道主义援助,不仅展现了中国负责任的大国形象,而且有效帮助受援国减轻了灾害影响,有助于减少因灾致贫现象的发生。 <<


    Aid to Africa has an important role in the overall situation of China's foreign diplomacy in Africa. 60 years of the history of the development of Sino-African relations show that African aid is to promote the continuous development of Sino-African relations boost, maintaining an important bond of friendship. China's non aid model is a major feature of China Africa friendly relations and sustainable development, and is also one of the many topics of discussion in the West. China's assistance to African countries began in 1956, has roughly experienced 3 periods, each of the historical tasks faced by African countries and the era of the theme of the corresponding. Assistance cooperation between China and Africa is part of the framework of South-South cooperation, as well as international development cooperation. Over the past 50 years, China's assistance to African countries, although the number is limited, but the results were significant. In addition, China for African countries to provide timely humanitarian assistance, not only to show the China as a responsible big country image, and effective way to help recipient countries to mitigate the impact of disasters, help to reduce the occurrence of tolls to poverty phenomenon. <<