In 2012,Beijing experienced tremendous changes in the property market.From the market freezing point of the beginning to the recovery of the second quarter,finally,the overall property price trend climbed up in the latter half of the year,we can say,the key word of the property market in Beijing is "recovery". In 2012,the second-hand housing market recovered significantly from the year before.If the market in 2011 temperature assumption is zero,in 2012,the average temperature of the market should be 30-40 degrees.In the premise of directional moderately loose monetary policy,second-hand housing turnover grew in 2012;the average price of second-hand housing year-on-year fell slightly,but,the average price increased smoothly in the year, ended the year more higher than at the beginning;"the rigid demand coming from first-time home buyers"and"the rigid demand coming from first-time home changer"is becoming the main force of second-hand housing market,in the meantime,the confidence of owner have rebuilt sharply in the latter half of the year,rent continue to rise for breaking seasonal rules.