<<China’s three pillars old-age insurance system has played an important role in improving State-owned enterprises’ reform and protecting retiree’s basic living standard. However,it meet many unexpected problems in the actual operation,such as viewing the volunteering enterprise annuity as a necessary part of the pension substitution rate,so as to making lots of worker’s pension substitution rate is lower than the previous target. It adds the manage cost for individual accounts which were founded in the basic old-age insurance system and enterprise annuity system. It leads to the pension system scatted for building different pension systems in many areas by occupation. The problems that make basic old-age insurance for urban workers has not play a good role to state organs and institutions ’ pension system reform. Moreover,it enlarges the social stratification and leads to more new social risks for future society. The binary level old-age insurance system that composed of basic old-age pension and fund can solve these problems.