<<The concept of root culture itself can be seen as a theoretic contribution Gushi,a county of Xinyang,did to the root seeking in Zhongyuan. Xinyang which enjoys exceptional advantages of root cultural resources is quite competitive and influential. As one of the most important name origins,Gushi was an important place of departure and transfer station in the history where the peerages of Zhongyuan migratedsouthward,so Guangzhou Gushi has a far-reaching influence in the districts of Fujian and Taiwan. For so many years,Xinyang has gained a great achievement in the development of root culture with two brands being created which are Zhongyuan root cultural festival for the generations of Fujian and Taiwan and the Huaibin root cultural festival for Jiang generations. But in terms of the overall picture,the construction lacks of overall and long-term plan,cooperation spirit and multi channel advertisement and all of which need us pay more attention to,thus can we develop it into a root pro cultural mecca.