<<The market of mobile media is made up of four types of product:products for network access,content products,social relations products and service products. A good market structure depends on the connection and mutual support of the four parts. There are three basic laws for the innovation of mobile media. The first involves making use of the energy of the limit points of the pendular movement of a product. The second means making breakthrough by restriction. The third comprises making professional tools for amateurs. In the near future,Chinese mobile media will develop in the following directions:A deeper convergence of social media and news Apps;Updating of UGC and crowd sourcing model;Part-professionalization of We Media;Accelerating of the transformation of mobile Internet entrances to platforms;Rise of service media. In the long term,mobile media will be reshaped by the Internet of Things,wearable terminals and big data. Cloud Media may emerge as a new kind of personal portal.