<<In 2014,the national League for Democracy led by the Bharatiya Janata Party won a prevailing victory in the 16th election of the People’s Parliement. Upon the assumption of prime minster,domestically,Narendra Modi has conducted the government’s bureaucractic system to improves its efficiency,put forward “Made in India” and “Indian Service” as pillars for developing indian economy,and internationally,made efforts in reshaping relations with its Southasian neighbors,and deepened multilateral cooperation with the US,Japan and Southeastern Asian countries,and kept alert of the initiative of “One Belt and One Road” made by China,planned to launch the trans-regional “Monsoon Program to lead the proccess of regional interconnection and intercommunication. In the meantime,India has made positive use of both bilateral and multilateral platform for participation in activities within the SCO’s framework,and officially come up with the proposal of applying for a SCO membership.