The automobile industry had increased rapidly in the 1980s when the car product demand exceeded supply for a long time,and then the automobile industry also suffered worry of shortage economy.In the 1990s with low speed growth,the concern about auto industry was the lack of consumption ability;after China's entry into WTO in 2001,automobile industry experienced the real tengolden years.In recent years,the quantity of cars in the first-line cities,even in the two or three-line cities has tended saturated,then what are the new changes and trends of automobile consumption in 2012? What factors are in the consideration of prospective owners in the purchase? Therefore,a investigation from ‘Driving life'in Beijing,Shanghai,Zhengzhou,Ji'nan,Changsha,Suzhou,Xi'an,Kunming collected information from 875 prospective owners samples,in order to explain potential consumption trend in detail.