<<Gaomi city of Shandong province considers “123 Operation of Agriculture Integrity” as a handhold,the construction of close relation between cadres and people and the protection of people’s interests as the core,the regulation and balance of power together with the promotion of democratic governance as priorities,utilizes multiple methods based on the reality of its territory,thus forms a “combination blow” to improve the party style of work among grass-root cadres. Gaomi strengthens the battle fort effect of grass-root party organization guided by pragmatic idea to serve the people and combined with the mass line education practice,elaborates the mechanism that is beneficial for the cultivation of good work style,constructs all-round supervision system over the work style of grass-root cadres,which has achieved much progress.
<<Keywords: | Improvement of Party’s Style of WorkPoint System Measuring Party Members’ DevotionManagement of Public Properties“Four Kinds of Matters that Needs Discussion and Two Needs to Be Open” |