<<The research explored the emotional difference(pleasure,peaceful,anger,sad,afraid and disgust)among different life domains(work and family,evaluating one’s own past and considering one’s own future);Analyzed the effect of life support sources and social support networks on the emotion feeling in different life domains;Investigated the effect of emotion on social participation,well-being and social security in different life domains. Analyzing 1917 participants from Shenzhen and Heilongjiang,the research found that:Shenzhen and Heilongjiang people kept a pleasure and enjoy mood in all the life domain;Hunting employment,housing problem and romantic relation were the most important stress source of life to predict different feeling in different life domain;Relation network and formal organization were the most important social support source to predict different feeling in different life domain;The positive emotion of working and considering future,and the negative emotion of evaluating one’s own past would significantly predict people’s life satisfaction;Working significantly predicted Shenzhen and Heilongjiang people’s general security feeling.