<<Education is an important livelihood issue,it concerns the development of the state and the society. Education has become an important component of China’s soft power,and it dominates each year’s public opinion. The Public Opinion Research Laboratory of Shanghai Jiaotong University selected 321 hot education-related public events from 2011 to 2013 as the samples for the study. It was found that east China has become the high-prevalence area of education-related public opinion;the number of education-related public events in Beijing are the highest nationwide. Organizations are still the main subject of public opinion;approximately 30 percent of educational public events were triggered by the words or deeds of teachers and students. The traditional media has become the major first-exposure media for educational events;the speed of exposure and intervention are relatively fast. In pre-school educational stage,school security issues drew the highest attention;the education policies were the mostly focused events in primary and middle schools;inappropriate words or deeds of teachers or students occurred the most frequently in the higher education stage.