热点推荐: 双循环
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    中国社会科学院学部委员,学部主席团主席,研究员,博士生导师。历任中国社会科学院院长、党组书记,国务院发展中心副主... 详情>>
蔡 昉
    中国社会科学院国家高端智库首席专家,学部委员,学部主席团秘书长,研究员,博士生导师。先后毕业于中国人民大学、中国... 详情>>
    男,汉族,出生于1955年5月,山东济南人,博士,研究员,全国人民代表大会社会建设委员会副主任委员,中国社会科学... 详情>>






    Although the Chinese Labor Contract Law has already come into force,due to the complexity of labor relations,the enforcement of labor law is still a long process and depends on many factors. The field study in Fujian Province and Guizhou Province has revealed that the monitoring by the relevant government agencies is very necessary and should be strengthened and the duty and liability of government agencies should be clarified. Currently labor laws are not well implemented by employers. To better enforce the labor laws,different standards should be adopted for employers in different areas and of different size and higher standards should be applied to employers in the public sectors. The role of trade unions and collective bargaining should be strengthened by improving the mechanisms for the establishment of employers’ organizations and trade unions and for the raising of fund for trade unions. Efforts should be made to promote the activities of grassroots trade unions and to facilitate collective bargaining. Also,labor arbitration and mediation organizations,which is an important procedural guarantee for the smooth enforcement of labor law,should be improved in terms of structure,fund,procedure and quality of staff.
