Latin America's social indicators remained to be improved in 2011 although the economic growth slowed down. This good tendency was reflected as follows. First, Poverty in the region continued to fall while extreme poverty might rise up. Second, increasing labor income and public transfer sustained the improvement of income distribution. Third, the labor market stayed improved since 2010 and the unemployment rate was declining. However, an increasingly important problem surfaced: high youth unemployment and emergence of Generación Nini. The Latin American economy gained a stable growth and the consequent income increase in the past 10 years. But, in 2011, social discontents escalated dramatically, especially the dissatisfaction with public service, public security and performance of democratic regime. Corruption and public insecurity, the worst and deep-rooted problems in the whole region, held no signs of improvement in 2011, public insecurity being the most concerned issue among Latin Americans. Growing violent crimes and prison riots resulted in great challenges to social governance in Latin America.