Small credit loan for women and government subsidy policy has changed women's life. Women interviewees on average borrow 52000 Yuan, 84.6 percent enjoy full government subsidy on interest payment. They use the money to develop planting, breeding, processing as well as other business. Loans help solve the problem of not having enough capital to start a business, and this has helped 71.5 percent families increase their annual income. 94 percent interviewees are confident they can pay the loans back on time. The majority, 94.1 percent, are satisfied with women federations' handling of small credit loan business. The loans make women see their rich future with family business. They feel their self quality and capability has been improved, their relationship with their husbands and other members of the family has also been improved. This has also attracted some farmers working away from home back to their home and begin to help their family business. They hope loan period can be extended and guarantee methods can vary.71.5 percent women want to continue the loan. They also hope to get services such as loan guidance, technology training and project recommendations.