<<Under the rapid development of the casino business,the quality and quantity of art and literature in Macao have changed significantly in recent years. In terms of quantity,there is an increase in the number of audience,art performances and organizations. In terms of quality,more works of art and literature energetically respond to the changing society and local issues. In addition,the development of art tends to be rooted more deeply and to expand more actively than before. The professionalization of the local art institute Macao Conservatory has set a foundation stone for the development of performing art in Macao. At the same time,some artists and their organizations have taken some steps out of Macao,showing the audience outside Macao their art pieces. However,the development of art and literature are tackling some structural problems including the lack of space for rehearsal and performance,the problematic policy of the governmental subsidy,the separation of the related governmental departments and the absence of a macro-scale policy for art and culture.