Source water quality is the basis of drinking water's security,and source water quality relies on pollutant emission control policy,so the amendment of standard for drinking water quality brought about a new challenge for our pollutant emission control policy. In this paper,according to the index change and amendment in standard for drinking water quality (2006) and source water threaten,found that: Industrial point source,urban sewage treatment plant,medical institutions and hazardous waste management have different kinds of policy flaw; Control and management in landfill,large-scale livestock and poultry breeding,city surface runoff,rural non-point source,agricultural non-point source are absent. Suggestion: Water pollutant discharge permit must be the core of the water quality protection policy system; the Ministry of Environmental Protection should promulgate the water pollutant limitation guideline,and distinguish Technology-Based Effluent Limitations and Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations when the authorities design and promulgate the water pollutant discharge permit; establish pretreatment system for urban sewage treatment plant; improve rural non-point source management policy; restrict the usage of pesticides,fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture; and implement strict hazardous waste management policy.