In 2012, the consumption related to self-driving travels was approximately 1.06617 trillion yuan, equivalent to 46.9% of total revenues of domestic tourism of the year. China's self-driving travels has a great consumption potential and good policy environment, as well as continuously improving facilities and service system. Development of self-driving Travels in China also has its constraints on the other hand. To be accurate, many enterprises are currently involved in self-driving and car renting services which resulted a difficult coordination among all those companies. Lack of self-driving information and self-organized associations are also blocks since the insufficiency led to drawbacks in aiding and insurance services. Besides, inadequate data and policy barriers are also big issues. Therefore, to enhance the development of self-driving travels and services, some errands have to be settled. For instance, finalizing a general plan for self-driving tourism, adopting encouraging polices to relevant enterprises, eliminating policy barriers and setting new criteria to self-driving travels.