<<In the past year,the Conservative government headed by Boris Johnson have been facing a series of social problems waiting to be resolved. The consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the ageing society have made funding the NHS(the jewel on the crown of the British welfare state)for normal operation,an extremely difficult task. The Energy crisis in Europe and the price rise in other commodities have resulted in serious inflation and made Britons’ standard of living worse off. Other urgent issues include the lack of funding for Johnson’s grandiose “Levelling Up” plan to tackle the unbalanced development between the regions of England as well as the headache of stopping refugees from smuggling across the English Channel. The British government has tried its best to deal with these problems,but the lack of policy tools,esp. lacking money,poses a question mark on the resolution of these problems. Johnson’s resignation and the change of cabinet will make it even less possible to solve these problems in the remaining two years of this Conservative government.