<<With the entry into force of Polar Code,the enactment of the heavy oil ban,the promotion of plastic waste reduction actions and the introduction of greenhouse gas reduction strategies,the green governance of Arctic shipping is showing an accelerating trend. The environmental protection rules for Arctic shipping are becoming more comprehensive and strict,and the tightening regulatory system will increase the compliance cost of Arctic shipping,which will have a profound impact on the Arctic shipping in its initial stage. NGOs play an influential role in the green governance of Arctic shipping,but the current disagreements among the countries concerned on core issues such as restrictions and emission reduction targets have added uncertainty to the green governance of Arctic shipping. The development of Arctic shipping has just entered the initial stage,coinciding with the opening of the international shipping green governance process,the development of Arctic shipping faces multiple challenges. China should actively participate in the negotiation of international rules on shipping emission reduction and green shipping competition and cooperation in order to respond to the new trend of Arctic shipping green governance.