<<Since 2021,China’s anti-monopoly supervision on Internet platforms has become increasingly strict,and the investigation and punishment of Internet platform monopoly have increased significantly. In order to better grasp the development direction of China’s platform anti-monopoly regulatory policy in the future,this report combs and analyzes the existing framework,latest developments and future development of domestic and foreign Internet platform anti-monopoly regulation. At present,how to solve such problems as “differential pricing”,“predatory pricing”,“algorithmic collusion”,“conflict of interest” and “differential supervision on the new type of real economy-based enterprise” will be the focus of the follow-up improvement of the platform’s anti-monopoly supervision. In the next step,it is suggested to further improve the platform anti-monopoly supervision focusing on the medium- and long-term strategies of “high-quality development” and “common prosperity”,and achieve a better balance between regulated development and innovation vitality:First,strengthen behavior supervision and improve the level of “good law and good governance” of the platform anti-monopoly;Second,explore classified supervision and fully release the effectiveness of “new type of real economy-based enterprise”;Third,reinforce the whole chain supervision and effectively strengthen the data security protection;Fourth,both efficiency and fairness should be taken into account to promote the sound development of various types of capital.
<<Keywords: | AntitrustPlatform EconomyFair CompetitionData SecurityNew Type of Real Economy-based Enterprise |