<<The year of 2016 witnessed the outbreak of virtual reality. The launch of three kinds of virtual reality headsets and VR short movies of Chris Milk signify the application of VR in movies and its popularity among consumers. After 6 years development,VR movies are varied in forms and features which show different facets and levels in terms of immersion、simulation and interaction. Based on existed classification of the areas of film festivals and film studies,this report divides VR movies into two types:non-interactive movies and interactive movies which subdivided into weak-interactive one and strong-interactive one. The differ-ences between weak-interactive one and strong-interactive one are that weather the VR movie triggering physical perception (for example,the feeling of touch)、giving viewers the chance of narrating and allowing more activity beyond watching. At present,the Cinerama becomes the mainstream of VR movie while the interactive VR movie is confronted with the challenge of achieving the balance between interaction and immersion、the innovation of camera language、advance of VR technology and so on.