<<Infodemic is a global epidemic,which is caused by the following three factors:there are many unreliable information sources,and unreliable information spreads faster than truth;the popularization of social media;individual media literacy is low. The transmission mechanisms of Infodemic include;emotional contagion caused by information uncertainty;re-peated exposure of unreliable information further strengthens false perceptions;“Filtering Bubbles” trigger behavior imitation. The governance of Infodemic depends on the participation of various actors. First of all,the United Nations should mobilize and integrate global strengths and coordinate cooperation among all parties. Secondly,governments should keep information open and transparent and improve risk communication capability. Thirdly,scientific research institutions should carry out information monitoring and early warning to ensure that information is accurate and reliable. Besides,the media should deliver latest and accurate scientific information to the public and serve as a good information gatekeeper. Lastly,the media literacy education of the public should be strengthen.