<<In 2019,the local organs with legislative power have formulated 56 local legislations which include 50 Local Regulations and Separate Regulations and 6 Local Government Rules on protection of historical and cultural heritage. These local legislations have established the citizens’ rights to know of the historical and cultural protection,public rights to cultural participation,Public rights to inherit,develop and utilize history and culture,the rights to receive government awards,the rights to acquire material help and compensation,the special rights to Representative Successors for National Intangible Cultural,the public’s right to invest in the development of historical culture,the right to income,and the protecting of the intellectual property rights of the holder of cultural achievements. However,the following deficiencies still exist in the protection of citizens’ cultural rights in the historical and cultural legislation of various regions. Firstly,the importance to the protection of the material of historic cultural and the intangible cultural heritage are more attached than the protection of cultural citizens’ rights. Secondly,the development of the citizens’ rights to freedom in cultural is not well organized and well-developed. Thirdly,the stipulation is inadequate about the publicrights of receiving the historical and cultural education. Fourthly,there are many declarative rights,but the protection of substantive procedures is scarce. Therefore,the above historical and cultural local legislation needs to be further improved.