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    中国社会科学院学部委员,学部主席团主席,研究员,博士生导师。历任中国社会科学院院长、党组书记,国务院发展中心副主... 详情>>
蔡 昉
    中国社会科学院国家高端智库首席专家,学部委员,学部主席团秘书长,研究员,博士生导师。先后毕业于中国人民大学、中国... 详情>>
    男,汉族,出生于1955年5月,山东济南人,博士,研究员,全国人民代表大会社会建设委员会副主任委员,中国社会科学... 详情>>



    珠三角是我国城镇连绵化程度最高的地区之一。从1989年开始,为应对珠三角在当时所面临的问题和形势,共编制了四次城市群协调发展规划。在这四版规划中,1994版和2008版规划发挥的作用更为显著。珠三角最早具有“中心区”概念的新城规划是深圳的福田中心区。珠三角城市中心区的建设在城市服务业的发展中起到了核心作用。这些新中心区的建设带给我们的启示包括:城市在全球产业链的位置决定着服务业对其新城的带动力;在巨型城市区域,区域格局的变化趋势对城市新中心区的发展影响深刻;中央活动区与中央商务区的空间逻辑有差异。国家“一带一路”战略是城市服务功能大发展的机遇,更是城市中心区发展的历史性机遇。在这个新的发展时期,中央商务区(CBD)的功能协同作用在城市群的协调发展中的作用凸显,中心区要创新空间组织方式,为人们创造功能更加复合、更加满足人本化体验需求的中央活动区。 <<


    The PRD is one of the three mage-urban regions in China. s starting from 1989,the PRD has totally produced four regional urban development plans. In these four versions of regional plan,the 1994 version of plan and the 2008 version of plan had played more significant roles. In Pearl River Delta,the first development plan with the concept of “new town center” was the Futian Town Center development plan of Shenzhen. The development of CBD in cities has played a key role in promoting urban service sector development in Pearl River Delta. What we can learn from PRD in CBD development including:The position of a city in the global manufacture chain determines how strong the force the city can generate in its CBD development;in mega-cities region,the regional development trends have a significant impact on a city’s CBD development;principles are differences between the Central Activity Zone and the Central Business District development. The “21th Century new sea silk road” strategy is an opportunity for urban service sector development in PRD;it is a great opportunity for the CBD development in the city as well. In this new era,the coordination between the CBDs functional development is crucial in the region,the CBDs in the PRD should be functional diversification,and the land mixed use. <<