热点推荐: 双循环
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    中国社会科学院学部委员,学部主席团主席,研究员,博士生导师。历任中国社会科学院院长、党组书记,国务院发展中心副主... 详情>>
蔡 昉
    中国社会科学院国家高端智库首席专家,学部委员,学部主席团秘书长,研究员,博士生导师。先后毕业于中国人民大学、中国... 详情>>
    男,汉族,出生于1955年5月,山东济南人,博士,研究员,全国人民代表大会社会建设委员会副主任委员,中国社会科学... 详情>>


    • 作者:李嘉珊出版日期:2021年06月
    • 报告大小:1.2MB
    • 报告字数:7864 字所属丛书:
    • 所属图书:中国国际传播发展研究





    In recent years, the Chinese new year has brought the world into the "Spring Festival time". Since the State Council issued the opinions on accelerating the development of foreign cultural trade in 2014, China has set off an upsurge of cultural "going out". The number of "going out" projects has increased and the "going out" funds are sufficient... But at the same time, due to the lack of unified coordination at the strategic level of the cultural "going out" policy, Most "going out" projects are just "going out for a walk", lack the construction of the communication system of Chinese culture "going out" and the long-term mechanism of sustainable international communication of Chinese culture, resulting in insufficient international communication power and low communication effect of Chinese culture. This paper puts forward that at this stage, it is urgent to formulate a forward-looking and sustainable "international communication strategy of Chinese culture" from the national level, and pay attention to the communication of Chinese cultural content, channel communication, market communication and folk communication, so as to improve the quality and effect of the external communication of Chinese culture <<
