<<This report introduces the progress made in sport-for-all in China,uncovers its existing problems and provides some countermeasures. At present,new policy documents on sport-for-all have been issued to increase funding on venue construction and sport-for-all activities,which has made significant achievements. While issues like imbalance in fitness-for-all programs,maladjustment of sport facilities construction and utilization,under performance of multiple functions of sport-for-all,and the need to update the performance management mechanism of sport-for-all services remain unsolved. To resolve the bottlenecks in sport-for-all,we should adopt people-centered approach to promote its shared development;accelerate sports facilities construction to balance supply and demand of sport-for-all;exert its diverse functions to support coordinated development;foster a performance assessment mechanism for public sports services to enhance the efficiency of sport-for-all and so on.