<<Education alliance is the main form of group education in Baiyun District. Xinshi District Education Alliance has adopted overall planning,top-level design,and established the basic framework of alliance construction,innovating alliance teacher management,solving the problem of teacher management and use,building a quality monitoring system,exploring the overall quality improvement path of the alliance,and building a cohesive course system,realize the comprehensive sharing of educational resources in the alliance,take multiple measures simultaneously,effectively improve the efficiency of teacher resource use,leverage from multiple sources,and solve the problem of the stamina of the alliance’s reform. The practice of the alliance has been generally recognized in the region. The exploration of the Xinshi District Education Alliance shows that the education reform should be eclectic and tailored to local conditions. The education alliance is an effective carrier to achieve a balanced education. The education reform must rely on the guidance of experts and respect professional thinking. The education alliance must form a real community of interests. Education reform The stability and continuation of education policies are needed.