<<This article is of the view that,in the face of the platform-based,dynamic,and data-centric competition characteristics of the digital age,it would be difficult to apply traditional anti-monopoly analytical framework,define monopoly behavior,and the practice of anti-monopoly law enforcement is also facing challenges. Major international antitrust jurisdictions have already taken actions against various challenges. Although nation states differentiate in their regulatory objectives and the level of digital economy development,their advanced experiences in regulatory thinking and law enforcement practices could be a valid reference point for us. For the time being,China’s anti-monopoly rules in the field of digital economy are constantly improving,anti-monopoly practices are constantly being strengthened,and whereas the overall anti-monopoly system is still applicable,it is necessary to adjust in time to new issues arising in the digital economy era. It is recommended that operational paths,law-enforcement tools,supervision principles,and capacity building should be enhanced.