<<From 2000 to 2018,in the Hubei’s composition of gross regional product,the secondary industry decreased from 49.66% to 43.41%,and the tertiary industry increased from 34.85% to 47.58%;in that of income approach components of gross regional product,the compensation of employees decreased from 59.14% to 47.25%,the net taxes on production increased from 15.66% to 16.24%,and the operating surplus increased from 9.38% to 23.77%;in that of gross regional product by expenditure approach,the final consumption rate decreased from 51.68% to 48.18%,and the capital formation rate increased from 47.00% to 59.60%;in that of the income and expenditure by primary distribution,the revenue rate of government finance increased from 6.05% to 8.40%,the household income rate decreased from 56.38% to 39.97%,and the household consumption rate decreased from 44.01% to 29.96%. The regional gaps of the gross regional product,total revenue of government finance,total expenditure of government finance,total household consumption in per capita value were reduced;but that of the household income in per capita value was extended. The urban-rural per capita ratio of the household income and total consumption were all reduced. The ranking of the structure optimization of the economic growth:in the provincial lateral evaluation of ideal value without urban-rural and regional gap,Hubei ranked the 6th;in the provincial vertical evaluation of self-base value in 2000,2005,2010,2015 and 2017,Hubei ranked the 13th,4th,5th,6th and 6th respectively.