<<During the 2019 federal election,the number of Chinese Canadian candidates and elected representatives reached a record level. However,The writer believe that there are two clear issues with this perspective. The first problem is that although the Chinese Community has many members running for MP positions,very few end up making an impact in the lawmaking process,whether due to lack of initiative or influence. The second issue is that Chinese Canadian voter turnout is very low,despite the presence of so many Chinese Canadian candidates. Because of these two problems,Chinese Canadians are still a long way from becoming a key minority in elections. This article follows the observations of the writer’s 20 years experience in the Chinese Canadian political sphere,as well as Canadian politics as a whole. It will compare Chinese Canadians’ roles in politics to other South Asian Canadians’ roles,with the purpose of elucidating the blind spots of Chinese Canadian participation in politics.
<<Keywords: | CanadaChinese Canadian Participation in Canadian PoliticsPolitical TokensLow Voter Turnout |