<<As the climate becomes warm and sea ice melts,it brings more potential business opportunities to develop Arctic natural resources and open up new Arctic sea routes. Therefore,both Arctic and non-Arctic countries now hope to participate in the Arctic governance processes. However,in the current Arctic governance,there is no unified legal system similar to the Antarctic Treaty system. In addition to several relatively fragmented treaties,the Arctic governance mechanism mainly presents a multi-layer governance structure dominated by the Arctic Council. In the Arctic governance mechanism,on the one side,the Arctic Council is exclusive in the mechanism’s actual operation;on the other side,the Arctic countries dominate the Arctic Council and have absolute voice over substantial Arctic affairs. In order to cope with the above complex conditions in the governance of the Arctic region and further improve the Arctic governance mechanism,we should strengthen cooperation and communication between the Arctic Council and other international forums such as the Arctic Circle Assembly,broaden the channels for non-Arctic countries to participate,and establish mutual trust and cooperation among international actors.