<<In 2019,70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China,the book publishing industry in Beijing closely focuses on national development needs,recommends classic books for translation,highlights China’s mainstream value,and showcases China’s development achievements. In the process of foreign trade,the capital’s book publishing industry continues to develop and innovate. It not only actively uses the opportunity of domestic and foreign book exhibitions to actively participate in the international market,but also helps the construction of capital cultural centers by holding international book exhibitions;it not only catches the digital opportunity,but also actively promotes the use of digital technologies to promote copyright;it not only continuously develops foreign trade models,but also upgrades overseas investment models. By sorting out the foreign trade activities of the capital copyright industry in 2019,this article believes that there is still room for improvement in the capital foreign capital trade in academic book platform construction,book topic planning,and general adoption of the market principle of publishing companies. It suggests to pay more attention on academic works,promote the topic selection and planning through the international editorial department model,and continue to promote the market-oriented reform process of the capital publishing company.