<<From the "sixth five year plan" to the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period, China's urbanization development level has experienced a relatively lagging "sixth five year plan" and "Seventh Five Year Plan" period. In the 1990s, it gradually presents the steady development and construction of urbanization development level. However, the empirical data in chapter four shows that China's urbanization development is generally lagging behind, and the regional urbanization development level gap is large. At the same time, the corresponding potential economic growth rate of China and regional potential economic growth rate have some fluctuations, but the overall is OK. In terms of the practice of urbanization driving potential economic growth in Chapter 6, the positive role of urbanization driving China's potential economic growth is significant. In the past three decades, China's labor force has been sufficient and stable, the labor force structure has been adjusted and the quality has been improved, the flow of other factors has been better driven, the cumulative and comprehensive effect has been realized, and the potential economic growth has made a significant contribution. However, due to the limited development level of urbanization itself and the unbalanced development of regional and provincial urbanization, the driving role of potential economic growth factors needs to be improved. Generally speaking, there are three major imbalances between the development of urbanization and the potential economic growth in China: first, the imbalance between the demand with urbanization as the maximum embodiment and the supply with potential economic growth as the core; second, the imbalance between the urban sector and the rural sector in the development process;Third, the imbalance between the East, the west, the East and the interior of the region. ① Based on this chapter, it analyzes the influencing factors of urbanization driving potential economic growth, and explores the path and policy recommendations of urbanization driving potential economic growth.