<<Pishu publications are subject to evaluation of the merit of their contents. A Pishu evaluation index system in working order is now in place that allows evaluators to rate individual Pishu publication in the following respects:the significance of the subject matter,its scientific import,impact of the research on the wider academic community,how appropriately timed its publication was and its practical implications. These are in addition to basic requirements included in any industry guidelines governing the publication of research reports such as the yearbooks. Items have also been identified that correspond to indicators on which points can be either added or deducted. This chapter is a meta-analysis of Pishu evaluation reports compiled in 2014~2018. On the basis of how the different Pishu titles were graded in these reports,the 100 top-ranked Pishus were identified,and analyzed in terms of the topics they cover and the research teams responsible for them. The meta-analysis shows that many Pishu publications fall short with respect to statistical analysis,consistency in style,structural soundness,timing regularity,and content originality. Improving Pishu evaluation calls for more rigorous peer review,subject area-specific evaluation,stronger enforcement of Pishu style guide,and publication-worthiness requirements.
<<Keywords: | Academic EvaluationPishuPeer Review |