<<The year 2002 saw the publication of the first yearbook in the area of culture and the media. Since then a total of 228 titles have been published,which together form a panoramic view of China’s recent developments in culture and the media. Recognized for their richness in data,analytical rigor and scientifically-sound research methods,these yearbooks have become a valuable companion for not only those in academia but also those working on the frontline of cultural and media development. This report tries to assess the current state and developmental trajectory of this Pishu sub-category from a number of perspectives,including how it got started,which stages its evolution went through,how much it has grown by volume,how far it has come in terms of scholarly merit and content quality more broadly,and how much media attention it has garnered. Forecast for future development trends is also provided,especially with respect to selection of publication-worthy subject matters,of participating research institutions,and innovations in research and publishing.