<<Integrated circuit design industry is located in the upstream of integrated circuit industry,which is the core foundation,with high technical barriers,needs to invest a large number of high-end talents,as well as long-term technical accumulation and experience precipitation. At present,the integrated circuit design industry is developing rapidly,with a scale of over 100 billion US dollars,accounting for more than a quarter of the total scale of the integrated circuit industry. The global integrated circuit design industry is highly monopolized by the US and occupies the largest market share. China and Taiwan are the most important participants in this industry cause they are advancing at a relatively fast pace. Europe,Japan and Korea occupy a small market share. At the same time,with Moore’s Law moving towards the economic and physical limits,the design industry is also facing enormous challenges. The government and industry are exploring a variety of ways to continue to meet the needs of integrated circuit for lower power consumption,lower cost and higher performance. With the shrinkage of process size,the cost of research and development of integrated circuit design and the cost of streaming also increase exponentially. It is difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises to enter the field of high-end integrated circuit product design,strong companies in this industry will be stronger,and the trend will be more obvious.
<<Keywords: | ProcessFrameworkDesign Industry |