<<In 2018,the adverse trade balance of China in agricultural products continued to expand.For traditional labor-intensive agricultural products such as vegetables and aquatic products,their trade surplus continued to shrink.But there was a trade deficit in fruits for the first time.Obviously,it can be seen that the trend has been irreversible since the initial appearance of domestic agricultural trade deficit in 2004.Therefore,the function and orientation of agricultural trade should be reassessed.In fact,due to statistical caliber and other technical reasons,no matter for foreign capital utilized in agriculture or for the foreign capital invested from agriculture,their functions have been largely underestimated,and agricultural two-way investments will further increase.Under promotional function of agricultural product trade and agricultural two-way investments,the agricultural science and technology cooperation will also be expanded simultaneously.
<<Keywords: | Agricultural Product TradeUse of Foreign Fund in AgricultureForeign Direct Investment in AgricultureAgricultural Science and Technology Cooperation |